Whether standard or custom-made, our range of roll-in rack proofer cell can meet all your needs: craft bakers or industrial. Designed for retarder proving between +15°C and +40°C, they allow proving of all types of bread dough, pizzas, buns or pastries positioned on trolleys. Of standard trolley sizes or customised, an unlimited number of trolley, a suitable layout, the entire provision of the PANEM proofer is modular to meet the needs of any professional. Everything is adaptable: the perfect balance between technicality and tailor-made !
Talk to us for your requirements in Kitchen, Bakery and Supermarket equipment
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Time Square Catering Equipment Trading LLC.
Office no: S-11, Building no: P-23,
France Cluster, Al Warsan First,
International City, Dubai, U.A.E.
P.O.Box: 79303
Mobile: +971 559472008
Tel: +971 45667884
Email : info@timesquareequipment.com
Map : https://goo.gl/maps/578GKPDGodD2
Office no: S-11, Building no: P-23,
France Cluster, Al Warsan First,
International City, Dubai, U.A.E.
P.O.Box: 79303
Mobile: +971 559472008
Tel: +971 45667884
Email : info@timesquareequipment.com
Map : https://goo.gl/maps/578GKPDGodD2